En résumé
Nous formons les référents handicap terrain, véritables bras droits des RH sur site, pour le permettre de déployer la politique handicap Auchan mais aussi d’accompagner leurs collaborateurs sur cette thématique.
La formation se fait en deux temps :
- Une première rencontre d’une journée qui fournit les outils et les connaissances de base ;
- Une seconde rencontre de 2 jours qui professionnalise le référent sur ses missions.
Depuis 2011, plus de 250 personnes sont devenus référents handicap chez Auchan, permettant ainsi au groupe d’avoir une politique handicape active et des intégrations réussies. Il dépasse d’ailleurs désormais son obligation légale, preuve que le handicap n’y est plus perçu comme un obstacle au développement, bien au contraire. Mission accomplie !

Pierre Valtard
PDG de Décathlon France
Little Things Do Make A Difference
Motivation can take you far, but it can take you even further if you first find your vision. Your vision will motivate and guide you on your journey to success and personal fullfillment. Trying to succeed at anything without first having a clear vision of what it is you want to
Do Dreams Serve As A Premonition
Motivation can take you far, but it can take you even further if you first find your vision. Your vision will motivate and guide you on your journey to success and personal fullfillment. Trying to succeed at anything without first having a clear vision of what it is you want to accomplish will only lead to you going around in circles and eventually giving up in frustration. To develop your vision, you must look inside yourself. Vision comes from within
Do Dreams Serve As A Premonition
Motivation can take you far, but it can take you even further if you first find your vision. Your vision will motivate and guide you on your journey to success and personal fullfillment. Trying to succeed at anything without first having a clear vision of what it is you want to accomplish will only lead to you going around in circles and eventually giving up in frustration. To develop your vision, you must look inside yourself. Vision comes from within